
1 May 2011

Where is the good in goodbye?

Raf & Elena
For the past 4 months Elena, a PhD student from Vigo University, has been in Norwich to work with me and Moritz at UEA. 

We had quite a lot of fun trying to compare different techniques to measure dissolved oxygen and she helped me greatly with my poor maths. I don't dislike maths, actually I quite like it, is just that I haven't really used it for years and my brain is taking a while to tune to it again. Well...I never was particularly good at it to be honest but I am sure I can improve. 

Anyway, Elena has now gone back to Spain and I will miss her greatly. Parting from friends and family is never easy, I thought that by now I would be used to it. My family lives in Italy and I live in the UK so I practice a lot on them and on my partner who works in Qatar. 

Elena and "Respi", her microelectrode
But unfortunately it turns out that, you may get used to say goodbye to someone in particular but each time a new person leaves you still end up feeling deeply sad.

I think I am a little bit crap with feelings...I don't realize how much I care about someone until it's time to part... But I suppose it's all in the knowing you'll see each other again (or not!).
"Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depths of love." George Eliot
I hope we'll meet again even if I don't know when. Anyway we still have the secret plan about finding a postdoc in the same place. So to you my friend:
"Farewell, my sister, fare thee well.
The elements be kind to thee, and make
Thy spirits all of comfort: fare thee well".
William Shakespeare
And more:
"May you always have work for your hands to do.
May your pockets hold always a coin or two.
May the sun shine bright on your windowpane.
May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you".
Irish Blessing 
PS: for a godless version may I suggest "life" instead than the word "God"?  It is nice to have an option, scientists are seldom religious.

Can I add: "May Respi be fixed and always give you great data!"

1 comment:

  1. Love this,I don't see you often enough to say too many goodbyes,but hope to make up for this soon. X
